Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wednesday, Feb 10 update: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan

Photo 1: sign to chapel

Tuesday was a great day in the Vancouver Olympic Village.  I left my host family’s home at 7 AM and drove across the bridge to Vancouver and even found parking not far from the OV in time to be at the chapel for my 8 AM shift.  The Buddhist chaplain invited me to join for meditation, so I had a good chance to meditate on John 1 and listen to God and pray at the start of the work day.  

Photo 2: Store with Russia Womens Hockey athletes

Photo 3: Russia mascots

We have informal Interdenominational Bible Studies at 9 AM, 2 PM, and 7 PM.  After a walk and time of praying with one of the Christian chaplains, I went to the OV Polyclinic where the chiropractor gave me a massage and adjustment and recommended some stretching exercises for my back.  I then visited the Belarus and Kazakhstan Team offices, where I saw friends from past games and met some of the new coaches and athletes.  They had their Welcoming Ceremonies in the village with greetings from the OV Mayor and Native American drums and dancing.  Germany, Slovenia, Bulgaria, and others were also welcomed-two or three of the smaller countries each hour.  

Wednesday at 2 PM I plan to be at the Russia Welcoming Ceremony.  I enjoy meeting new people, especially Russian speakers.  At the Olympic Store in the OV I met three Ice Hockey Players from the Russian Team.  We had a nice conversation.  They were surprised to meet an American who speaks Russian and is a chaplain.  The highlight of the day was when a coach from one of the former USSR countries asked me to speak with one of his athletes.  This coach attended our Bible Studies in the 1998 Nagano Olympics at the chapel.  I shared what I do and my testimony with this young Olympian.  He told me that he was not a believer and not baptized but wanted to know God.  I shared the 4 Spiritual Laws from the back of the Gospel of John with Sport Testimonies in Russian.  I also share the reason John wrote the gospel: John 20:30-31 Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.  He said that he desired to know God through Jesus.  I encouraged him to begin reading the Gospel and left him our evangelistic Sports DVD with the Jesus Film in Russian.  I hope to see him again today.  Please pray for him and many of the other athletes and officials.  

In the evening one of the American athletes who had been in before came to the chapel for the evening Bible Study.  I left the village about 7:30, after a long but wonderful day at the OV.  Today my shift starts and 2 PM.  All the chaplains appreciate your prayer support.  Thanks for being part of our team as we serve.

Photo 3: with Belarus delegation members

Photo 4: Belarus welcome with Native Americans

Photo 5: Kazakhstan speed skaters

In HIS grip,

Carl Dambman

Athlete Testimonies:
Athletes in Action Global:
Athletes In Action Russia:
Campus Crusade for Christ International:

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